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WIB Chair

Gender equality in ICT

Women, ICT & Business

ALDABA WIB Chair: Women, ICT & Business was founded in September 2019, jointly by ALDABA and universities of A Coruña (UDC) and Vigo (UVigo), to promote and enrich developments in ICT not only through an increased participation of women but also two-way channels of partnerships among universities and business.

The centres affiliated to this Chair include the Faculty of Computer Science (FIC) at UDC's A Coruña campus, and the IT institute (ESEI) at UVigo's Ourense campus.

One of the strategic lines contemplated by the Chair is to contribute to top-level training of future graduates of FIC-UDC and ESEI-UVigo, through activities that bring the student body closer to the needs and possibilities of using ICT in companies. This training also facilitates their integration into the world of work, promoting the acquisition of the competences, knowledge and skills that the Galician business sector demands.

Moreover, the Chair fosters activities that contribute to giving visibility to the contributions of women in the world of ICTs, with a view to generating references to awaken the interest of girls and women in technological careers. Last but not least, it also disseminates the innumerable and remarkable contributions of ICTs in improving social, cultural and health services and, in general, the most humane vision of progress, far from purely technological stereotypes.

As an inter-university Chair, it also seeks to promote synergies between the two Schools of Computer Science, proposing joint activities and strengthening ties.